Puppy Training

Owning a puppy can be a very rewarding experience, however it has the potential to go badly wrong if they aren’t given the correct rules and boundaries to live by.

Our personalised service starts in your own home and will focus on:

  • Ensuring your home & garden are puppy proof?

  • How to speed up house training / toilet training.

  • Stopping unwanted nipping or mouthing.

  • How to teach puppy to separate from you and sleep quietly at night.

  • General basic commands and how to communicate effectively.

  • Keeping Puppy mentally and physically stimulated.

  • What foods are best for puppy.

  • Which foods and plant life to avoid.

  • Preventative measures against chewing.

  • Taking those first tentative steps outside into the world around them.

  • Setting appropriate boundaries.

  • Basic recall training (coming when called).

  • How best to socialise. 

What is included in the programme?

  • 1 x 3 hour training session.

  • 2 x 1 hour follow-up training sessions.

  • 3 x months support via email or telephone.

  • Handwritten training plan and supporting literature.

Call now to find out more: 07952 752 977

This is Bobbie, four in October, we got her at nine weeks old We got after our previous Beardie died. She helped mend our broken hearts She is my very first puppy She well behaved. Even more so since. The lovely Craig spent time with her big thank you to craig xxxx vera X and. Jake. Bobbie woof woof